ATAC Robotics offers a comprehensive UAV training curriculum designed to give students the confidence and ability to operate UAVs in a multitude of environments.
Whether for aerial photography, land surveying or any other environment of your choosing, ATAC robotics UAV program will cultivate your skill set to meet any task with confidence. Our UAV course, which, was designed by members who helped design the Naval Special Warfare UAV course is predicated on real world operational demonstrability and application. We bring some of the industries best RC/UAV pilots creating one of the most comprehensive UAV instruction courses. A complete understand of the basics of aviation, and safety as well as a basic levels of UAV knowledge and flight time.
UAV Instructors:
Our certification as a UAV pilot is contingent upon completion of our course materials and a clear demonstration and understanding of capabilities and limitations. The purpose of this course is to cultivate individuals who can apply these skills in a practical environment. The training is practical, and hands on. The total time will be logged in your ATAC UAV Pilots Log. The ATAC UAV course is 40 hours covering a multitude of concepts:
- Basic flight physics
- Radio wave physics
- Lift, drag, weight, thrust
- Bernoulli Principle
- Newton’s 3 law’s
- Communication from controller through antenna to UAV
- EM radiation
- Frequency (Spectrum of frequencies showing operating area for UAV)
- Wavelength
- Propagation
- Reflection
- Refraction
- Polarization
- Diffraction
- Absorption
- Radio communication
- Antenna physics
- Line of sight
- Components of UAV
- Structures
- Moving parts
- Power source
- Optics
- Audio system
- Antenna components
- Operator control system
Specifications and limitations for operation:
- Weather restrictions
- Wind max for takeoff and landing
- Rain (waterproof)
- Cloud cover and intensity
- Payload limits
- Communication limits (line of sight)
- Distance and flight time
- Maintenance and repair kit
- Inventory procedures
Basic operating procedures:
- All documentation
- Flight plan
- FAA regulations
- UAV set up
- Pre-flight test procedures
- Launch
- Standard flight operations
- Flight patterns
- Emergency Procedures
- Dropped Line of Sight
- Lost Tx Link
- Dropped Video Link
- Landing Tail Wind / Into wind / Cross Wind
- Trouble shooting
Camera functions and capabilities:
- RTB operations
- Landing
- UAV system breakdown order and procedures
- Trouble shooting
- Detailed list of troubleshooting processes for every step in UAV operation listed above
Operator repair procedures:
- Documentation for damage, repair request, and shipment to repair facility
- Contact info for UAV system support
Once a student receives their certificate of completion. They will have access to continuous online support from one of ATACs subject matter experts.